Thursday, September 24, 2015

5 Things...

Today, the prompt for #RABlog week is to write about 5 things I have learned while dealing with RA.

I will get right to them.

1) I’m not alone.  I have a great support system in my family and friends.  But sometimes I need to act like I’m alone.  There may be a day in my life when I don’t have somebody to lean on and I don’t want to get accustomed to having someone always be there to help me.  Whether it’s getting something from a high shelf, watering my lawn, cooking a meal when I have zero energy, opening jar lids, or even not having that shoulder to cry on.  I feel like I need to be as independent as possible for as long as possible so I don’t feel like my world is coming to an end when there is a day when everybody is on vacation.

2) I’m not the same person I was 15 years ago.  I was just telling somebody yesterday that it won’t be very long before I will have lived more years with RA than without.  RA has changed me not only physically, but my personality has changed dramatically since I was diagnosed.  I have different hobbies, different interests, a different sense of humor.  I walk differently, I talk differently, I think differently, I even write differently.  I have lost relationships because of my differences, but I have also gained relationships. 

3) Try to have a positive attitude, but don’t brush your struggles aside.  A smile, even if it’s forced or fake, can mean the world to somebody.  There have been countless times that someone has come up to me and told me how inspirational I have been to that person.  Maybe they are about to have joint replacement surgery, or they are dealing with their own chronic pain.  Maybe they are dealing with an unruly child and see my attempts at motherhood with pain.  Whatever the case may be, they don’t see me when I get home and the smile is gone because I have an ache that just won’t go away.  Or I sit down on a chair and don’t get up for 30 minutes because I’m exhausted.  They don’t need to see that side of me because it won’t do anything except bring somebody down.  I’m a Debbie Downer by nature, and I have to try extra hard to have a positive attitude.  At least from the outside.

4) I have learned a lot about the world of doctors, medicine, hospitals, medical equipment, and much more.  I don’t get upset anymore when I show up on time for a doctor’s appointment but don’t get seen for an hour or more.  When my doctor comes in, he is dedicated to me and my needs and questions.  I realize I’m not his only patient and I am happy to wait for him to give his other patients the same attention he is giving me.  I don’t know what the other patients are going through, and maybe they need some extra assurance about their condition or upcoming surgery or other medical event.

5) The last thing I will mention today is never ever turn away from our Savior, Jesus Christ.  He is there for us to lift us and help us through our trials.  There is a saying that God will never give us more trials than we can handle.  I personally don’t believe that.  I believe that he will be with us as we struggle and he will allow us to be pushed farther than we are able to bear.  But when we are pushed that far, we need to turn to him and let him know that it’s just too much and we need him to take some of the burden.  If we turn to him, he will help us in our trials.  If we turn away from him, we will be alone as we are pushed farther than what we are able handle, and that’s when terrible decisions will be made.  If you don’t believe in Christ, try to have faith in your god, or faith in hope, and trust that things will get better.  If things don’t get better, at least you will get better at handling them if you keep faith alive.

He has suffered all that we have and more. Photo source
There are countless things I have learned while having RA.  These are just five of the things I am mentioning today. 

This has been an amazing experience to write during #RABlog week.  I have learned a lot from others who are participating.  No one is ever completely alone.  I’m glad to have met more people to reach out to.




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