Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Shopping...with RA

Wow, I can’t believe I slacked off last week.  Wooops.

Back to reality!

I used to really enjoy going shopping.  I could walk for miles around a mall or shopping center and smell all of the new clothes, shoes, trinkets, kitchen items, candy, oh boy, I could go on and on.

Now, I get tired very quickly if I even enter the grocery store, let alone a mall.  I have turned to online shopping a lot.  The problem with online shopping is that I can’t try things on to make sure they fit.  Nor I can compare cosmetic shades to my skin.  I have had many fails of getting the wrong color of foundation, lipstick, eyeliner… It’s so frustrating.  I feel like I have to choose between my back and feet hurting as I browse cosmetics, or ordering online and getting the wrong color which either forces me to stand in line at the post office to return the products, or lose money buying the wrong products.

I have found something awesome to help me, at least with the cosmetic problems.  I have subscribed to a few beauty subscription boxes to see if I can find some items that I love.  I get to try many different items, and it’s so fun getting surprises in the mail!!!

I decided to start small and I began with the Walmart BeautyBox.  It was so perfect!!!  The best thing in there was this L’Oreal True Match shade finder.  You peel off the stickers and put it on your skin to see which one matches the closest.  Apparently I am a W1.  This was awesome because I would have chosen a different color if I was looking at this online.  So fun!

This is genius!
I have gotten a couple of other boxes, and while there has been some fun things, this L’Oreal True Match shade finder has been the most helpful in my quest to make life with RA a little bit easier.  Oh, and if I end uo getting something I absolutely don't like, I can try to swap it here.

Happy thoughts and Smiles!


Friday, November 6, 2015

Would You Choose to Live Forever?

It’s time to answer another question from Garry Poole’s “Complete Book of Questions.  The question for today is:

If you could live forever on earth, would you choose to do so? Explain.

My answer: Absolutely Not!  Especially not with this body.

I believe that our entire purpose for this life on Earth is to grow, learn, experience, and then die and return to our bodies to the ground and our spirits to our Heavenly Father.  Click here for more info.

I can understand why someone might answer “yes” to this question.  We live in a glorious world.  There are so many beautiful things to see, places to visit, and adventures to experience.  It would take many lifetimes to accomplish all of the goals and ambitions that I have ever had.  I have whittled down my list of goals because of many things (or lack of) that have gotten in my way, and because I know I only have one limited lifetime and I want to utilize it to the best of my abilities.

Photo credit: Romi

For example: I took “Running a Marathon” off of my list because my joints are so damaged that it’s painful to even walk, let alone run for any distance.  I am ok with crossing that one off my list of goals.  I will leave this one up to my sister and brother-in-law.

Another: I used to dream of being a professional singer.  I don’t have the time, money, resources to put forth any effort for that.  My training and experience is very limited and I don't have the confidence that I would need.  I won’t ever be on Broadway or even play a big role in community theater because most roles require a lot of dancing and movement.  I get exhausted quickly and I am unable to make attractive lines with my body to be a dancer.  I can’t even straighten my elbow…  Could I still make singing professionally work?  Maybe, but I have other things occupying my mind.  For now, I'm perfectly happy watching Josh Groban sing for me.

Last one: I dreamed of raising one of my kids to be an Olympic gymnast.  I have always loved watching gymnastics and I thought it would be so awesome for one of my kids to be able to do the things those men and women do.  Training to be in the Olympics in any sport is a huge commitment of time and money, and I believe it requires a huge amount of self-discipline.  There are a couple of major issues trying to accomplish this goal.  First of all, that’s not really a goal that I can set for myself.  It’s not even something I can set for my children.  They need to have that desire and set that goal for themselves.  Second of all, training to be an Olympic gymnast takes a lot of training that costs time and money that I just don’t have.  Another issue is, my husband and I are both quite selfish people, and our kids, yep, very selfish as well.  Don’t get me wrong, they’re great and I love them tons, but already I can see that it would take a lot of personality training as well as physical training to get them in shape for the Olympics.  I have also thought about taking them to LA to be in show business, but I don’t think directors would put up with their stubbornness.  I want my kids to succeed and do well in whatever they choose.  I don’t want to be one of those parents who tries to live vicariously through their kids.

Life can pass by quickly at times.  I see how big my girls are getting and I can’t believe how much they have grown in such a small time.  I think most parents will definitely agree that time flies when it comes to your kids.  It won’t be long before they’re grown up and gone from my home to start families of their own.  There are hundreds of quotes to explain how important it is to cherish your little ones while they’re little because they won’t be that way for long.  I try to not let my RA get in their way, but unfortunately, it happens.  Quite often.  
Photo credit: Kelly at The Pretty Bee

On the other hand, life can pass by very slowly when you’re in pain.  It won’t be long before I will have lived more years with Rheumatoid Arthritis than without.  It has seemed like an eternity, and yet it’s only been 14 years.  I struggle to think about living another 14, 25, or even 30 more years with the body and the pain that I have.  So no, I would not want to live forever, possibly thousands of years, with this pain. 

Thanks P&G Photography!

Someone might say, "but think of all of the wonderful things to see and adventures to have!"  These are the only adventures I need in my life: my kids, books, writing, and a big garden.  


Monday, November 2, 2015

Beauty, Self-esteem, and RA

Many people believe that beauty and self-esteem go hand in hand.  We can look at the media and see many beautiful, successful individuals that seem to be self-assured and poised, certain of their influence and confident in their own bodies and image .  How can I, someone with deformities and blemishes from Rheumatoid Arthritis, become confident and feel that I am a beautiful person?

Beauty is seen as both outward and inward.  Outward beauty is very subjective and differs greatly from person to person.  We can look at celebrities, the fashion industry, and magazines to find examples of socially curated outward beauty in the clothes, makeup, hairstyles that are displayed. 

 Confucius said, “Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see it.”   Inner beauty isn’t seen on a person’s outside (except maybe in someone’s smile J).  Anurag Prakash Ray said, “The real beauty doesn't lie in a person’s face or physical appearance, it lies in their heart.  That being said, doing things to help yourself feel beautiful can really help with inner beauty and self-esteem.

I’ve noticed the times I’ve felt more beautiful, I spend a bit more time grooming and taking care of myself.  I don’t spend a lot of time applying makeup to increase my self-esteem, I spend time applying makeup to try to match my self-esteem.

My beauty routine and my self-esteem have changed a lot over the last 15 years.  I have gone from feeling like I haven’t been good enough for self-esteem, to being confident and feeling gorgeous.   I have gone from wearing only lip balm and eyeliner, to spending 30 minutes or more on makeup routines, and then somewhere in between.  I can remember a few years ago, we were getting ready to take family pictures.  I had my hair done up nicely, but I had on very little makeup.  For several months I had been wearing only eyeliner as my makeup.  As we were helping kids get dressed and hair done for pictures, I looked in the mirror and noticed that I had really bad “butterfly rash” on my face, and it looked like I had raccoon eyes.  I asked to borrow my sister’s makeup to cover up the redness.  I don’t know why I hadn’t really noticed it before, but after that day, I have been wearing more and more makeup to help conceal my red face.

Why is my face red?  Pick a reason, any reason.  Medication side effects, sun sensitivity, flushed skin from slight fever, you name it.  But that’s not the purpose of this post…

I’m not always up to date on the latest fashion and trends, but I do like to look nice and not old fashioned.  I like reading tutorials on applying makeup, I read product reviews, and I like trying new products.  Last week, I wore some pretty crazy makeup to work to celebrate Halloween.  I followed some tutorials for bold makeup looks and I thought I had it pretty extreme.  I had dark eyeshadow and heavy eyeliner and really dark lipstick.  I thought I looked ridiculous, but I actually got several compliments on how pretty I looked.  Maybe I will go a little bolder on my everyday look from now on.  I need to focus on my face a bit more to detract from my extra weight.  Oh yeah, I need to write about that too… But not today.

Halloween face! No idea who the kid is, but it's a fun photobomb!

I’ve decided to subscribe to a couple of beauty item subscription boxes to see if I can come across some products that are easy for me to use and will help me create a great look to help me feel more beautiful.  I will keep you posted on what I can find.
