Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Weight Update

Remember a while back when I said I needed to lose a lot of weight by the end of April?  It sure is taking it’s sweet time to go away.  I’ve been cutting calories big time, taking stairs more often, drinking more water, and I’ve even tried some “cleansing” supplements.  It’s time to kick things into high gear.

Enter: the Reboot.

A few months ago, my sister asked me if I had seen the documentary “Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead.”  It claims to have the secret to improving your health.  If you are overweight, have an autoimmune disorder, are constantly fatigued, and just want to kick start your road to better health, this movie may be for you.  Here’s the synopsis:

100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross is at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. In the mirror he saw a 310lb man whose gut was bigger than a beach ball and a path laid out before him that wouldn't end well— with one foot already in the grave, the other wasn't far behind. FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD is an inspiring film that chronicles Joe's personal mission to regain his health.”

Joe turned to juicing to help get his health back on track.  He called his juice diet a “reboot”.  I don’t want to spoil the ending, but I’m sure you can all guess that if the documentary was able to be produced and distributed, it probably had a very happy ending.

Joe’s goal was to get off steroids, lose weight, and lead a balanced lifestyle.  My goals are very similar.  Lose weight, decrease or get off prednisode, get my gut balanced, and feel healthy.

After my sister watched the documentary, she said she wanted to do her own reboot because she is always so tired.  When she told me that, I thought, ok, she’s thin, goes running frequently, and she eats fairly healthy (except for soda).  She’s also a full-time plus working mom of 4 energetic boys.  Of course she’s tired!  But it’s something she really wanted to do and I said I would do it with her.  We decided on a 10-day reboot.  We got juicers, stocked up on kale and celery, and started juicing.  For about 3 days…  For some reason, we didn’t last long. 

I’m going to try again.  And here’s how it’s going.  On work days, I drink a lot of herbal tea and some Naked Green Machine smoothie for breakfast, then I try to drink fresh juice for lunch and dinner.

I bought this awesome juicer from a friend, and she threw in some thin paper filters that are completely awesome!  You put them on the screen and it catches all of the pulp, making clean ups much easier.

Thanks Cathy!

Seriously, so awesome.
I don’t follow Cross’s recipe exactly.  I’ve decided to merge Cross’s blend with another that I came across.  Now that I’m writing this blog, I can’t seem to find it… But it was something like Pederson Diet.  It is named after a man of the same name who treated and somewhat cured his rheumatoid arthritis with a very strict and careful diet.  He starts off with 3 days of a juice with only celery and cucumber.  So today, I took celery, cucumber and carrots for my juice.
Looks so healthy!
Here it comes!

Once it’s all juiced, I top off my glass bottle with some POM wonderful pomegranate juice.  I love this juice and I feel like all of the antioxidants are especially beneficial for women.

Pomegranate Blueberry!
I haven’t been as strict with this diet as I need to be, largely because a lot of my pills that I take should be taken with food.  Really, it’s because I don’t have the self-control that I need, but I prefer to use my pills as an excuse, lol!

My goal is 10 days on this diet.  I’m on day 4 and doing ok.  I’m hungry, but I know it will be worth it.  I will keep updating you!  Anyone want to try this with me?


1 comment:

  1. way to go. Im interested in seeing what happens and how you feel!
